
Aftersight Listener Set-up

Aftersight  listeners often need assistance setting up listening devices. Here’s how to help.

Need more help? Call us!
Alex Flynn, x105 or
Matt Kissane, x108

Aftersight’s audio programs are not transmitted via typical radio waves and require either special equipment or access to the internet.

Equipment Set-up

Internet Options

Amazon Echo Set-up

Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes, the password is printed on the WiFi router itself. If it is not, try to contact the listeners close family members to see if they may know the password. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact the internet provider to help reset the password.

Use the Alexa App to help them create a free Amazon account.

Try testing the WiFi using a mobile phone in different areas in the home and see if any spots have adequate WiFi (1 mpbs). If they still do not have good WiFi, the Amazon Echo will not work very well for them and may cause frustration.

Online on the Aftersight website

Listeners can access our website via tablet, smartphone or computer. Make sure the device has audio output capability and is connected to the internet.

24 Hour Streams
STEP 1: In a browser, go to

STEP 2: In the home page, select the desired stream.

STEP 1: In a browser, go to
STEP 2: Under the “Podcasts”, menu select the topic of interest.
STEP 3: Each podcast will have its own icon. Select the podcast and begin listening.

Non-Internet Options

Digital Reciever Set-up

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) provides over the air audio transmission of three regional broadcasts. For over the air reception, Aftersight provides digital receivers on loan at no cost to listeners. Digital receivers work best for individuals who are technology averse. Program guides are available in print or online under the About menu.
For best results, locate the digital receiver and antenna near a window.

A digital receiver kit includes:

  • 1 preassembled antenna
  • 1 digital receiver

NOTE: Do not plug the power cord into the wall outlet until STEP 4.

STEP 1: Check to make sure the receiver’s dip switch (circled at left) is set for the correct region.

Region Dip Switch Settings:

Northern Colorado 2379
Southern Colorado 479
Western Colorado 2579

STEP 2: Connect the antenna (if there is access to a rooftop antenna, you may choose to connect to it instead). On the back of the digital receiver, from left to right, there are 2 threaded cable receptacles and 3 RF connector jacks. The antenna plugs into the second threaded cable receptacle, circled in the following photo.

STEP 3: On the front of the receiver, you will find the on/off/volume control knob, arrow pointing below. Before proceeding, turn the knob clockwise to turn the receiver on.

STEP 4: Plug the power cord into an electrical outlet. The receiver will scan with a ticking sound for 3-5 minutes.

NOTE: After proper setup, subsequent scans will take only 12 seconds.

Listen to the signal for a minute or so to confirm that it is the Aftersight broadcast.

CAUTION: Notify listener to turn receiver off if not listening to avoid malfunction due to overheating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Spanish broadcast is not currently available through digital receivers.

Antenna provided with the digital comes with an external amplifier. The external amplifier is best left off unless the signal is very weak.

The digital receiver and antenna do not need to be next to each other and can be separated by the distance of the antenna cord.

Because of where the signal is situated on PBS’s bandwidth, occasionally the signal is audio of television programming. If what you hear is not the Aftersight broadcast, orient the antenna in a different direction or, if the option is available, place antenna near a second floor window and repeat

If Aftersight signal does not broadcast, try another receiver.

Dial in Podcasts Set-up

Registered listeners can call our phone number and access our 24 hours streams and programs on-demand.

Access the dial-in programming by calling:

303-786-7777 – Follow the prompts to get to the program or stream of choice.

We are currently updating our dial-in services. Manuals and tips coming soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Please inform Aftersight staff of any comments or complaints. If it is an error heard on any listening platform such as broadcast, podcasts, Alexa, or the call-in telephone programs, please fill out the Error Form 

Aftersight has a special program that  connects listeners to the internet.

  • Assistance in identifying affordable internet options
  • By paying for the initial internet set-up fee
  • Assistance in navigating the paperwork process
  • By providing voice-activated Echos
    • Including training and Afterisght programming

If they are not interested in internet, Aftersight also provides programming via Digital Reciever and a call-in podcast service. These options do not require internet and Aftersight can provide any necessary listening equipment.