Aftersight relies on our dedicated team of volunteers to fulfill our mission to provide news and information in audio format for the blind and low vision community of Colorado.
Hear it from our Volunteer of the Month:
Interested? Discover what role is right for you and Apply today. Or contact: Note that some roles currently have a short waitlist, but by applying, you will be notified when opportunities open up.
Join hundreds of volunteers to read and record print materials for broadcast and podcast, from the comfort of your own home! Typically a 1-2 hour weekly commitment. Because this is a highly desired position, you might be placed on a short waitlist for an open show.
What can I expect in the audition?
After you submit an application, check your email inbox for instruction on completing your virtual audition. You will read, record, and submit your audition remotely at your earliest convenience. We will review the audition and be in contact with you about the next steps.
How do you choose what I will read?
Program assignments take into account our programming needs and your availability.
Community Ambassadors work closely with staff to get an inside peek into the happenings of all nooks and crannies of Colorado. Typically, Community Ambassadors source local news and events, assist in outreach, and might also be a reader for a local publication.
Event volunteers help with our in-person events, usually around the Denver area. This might include being a sighted guide for hikers that are blind, driving event goers to the event, assisting with our Music in the Dark event, and more.
Our Listener Outreach team has one-on-one and personalized connections with our listeners. This might include telephone calls, creating braille birthday cards, and more.
Our Programming Support team helps us audit our audio content to check for quality and consistency. They also help in other ways, such as creating transcriptions, coming up with podcast descriptions, and more.