Executive Director’s Corner: Summer 2024


The International Association of Audio Information Services held its annual conference and program awards in June. Aftersight received an Honorable Mention in the Newspaper category for The Pueblo Chieftain Sunday as read by Kathy Scott. We won first place in the On Location category for the Audio Trekker episode of The Blind Chick.

BizWest presents the Mercury 100 awards to the 100 fastest growing companies in Boulder Valley and Northeastern Colorado. Companies are divided into five “flights” of ten based on revenue. Aftersight was honored to receive this award and was ranked fifth in its flight.

Our growth has allowed us to add new Aftersight Originals, provide training to our volunteers, and improve the overall quality of our programming. However, we face a new challenge. Due to changes in the allocation of Older Americans Act dollars through Area Agencies on Aging, we will soon lose $8,300 in monthly funding. This shortfall threatens our ability to deliver high-quality programming to people with vision loss or blindness. However, we can bridge this gap if enough people donate $5, $20, or $100 per month. Will you join us in this mission to ensure information equity for all? Visit www.aftersight.org to set up your monthly donation or give a one-time donation today.

Thank you,

303-786-7777 ext. 4112

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