Support Colorado’s Seniors

Did you know that in 2023 Colorado crossed a milestone? There are more Colorado residents 60 years and older than there are youth 18 years and younger. What does this mean? It means that age-related vision loss will become more and more common in our state. Funding for seniors is being cut back in our state and on the federal level. Organizations like Ensight Skills Center, Aftersight, Colorado Independence Centers, and Lions Clubs are going to need to fill in the gaps. If we don’t, our seniors are going to be pushed to the side and forgotten.

The MD6 Vision Team is planning Knights of the Blind Nights. These outreach educational events will be connecting Lions to the blind and low vision communities. The first one will be hosted by the Colorado Springs Downtown Lions Club. We will send out more details soon.

Reach out to the MD6 Vision Team for services, educational presentations, and SUPPORT Vision Projects like the White Cane Project.

$75.00 gives the gift of independence to someone in need of a white cane. We are Knights of the Blind!

Meet the MD6 Vision Team

Penn Street
6NE Chair and MD6 Chair
Podcaster, ADA Consultant, Activist, Public Speaker
Loveland Downtown Lions Club

Gail Hamilton
6C Chair
Author, Public Speaker, Activist
Englewood Lions Club

Kevan Worley
6SE Chair
Entrepreneur, Consultant, Service Provider
Colorado Springs Downtown Lions Club

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