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Aftersight: New name, same service

As of January 8, 2024 “Audio Information Network of Colorado,” will OFFICIALLY become Aftersight. We’re super excited! After this year-long process, we’re hoping our new name fits our vision of empowerment, community, and independence.

Of course, we’ll still offer the same services, but we think Aftersight better captures everything we do, which has grown. We now produce Original programming: podcasts for people living with vision loss or blindness. We offer a low-vision support group and a low-vision book club. We make sure that people who need white canes can get them, free of charge. We even host supportive hikes.

In spite of all of this growth, people struggled with “Audio Information Network of Colorado.” As a name, it’s too long, too complicated, and a bit hard to remember. And the thing we heard the most was, “You’re the AUDIO Network? Perfect! My mother has hearing loss…”

So, we wanted a name that is short, memorable, and that resonates with the people we serve: individuals who have blindness, vision loss, or who benefit from alternative print for other reasons. We wanted a name that captures a sense of community and accessibility. We wanted A LOT of things… So, we sat down and discussed it. Then we discussed it again.

After many rounds, Aftersight was the clear winner. It might not be all things to all people… but we like it. We hope that you do, too. At the very least, we hope that it’s at least easy to remember.

Thanks for following us on this journey!